
Transforming a niche regionally distributed singular SKU product developed by a singer-songwriter from Nashville into a fully developed internationally distributed product line with powerful scientific philosophies that touched multiple verticals.

Social Media

In order to create a product line that was in sync with the rapidly evolving landscape of the health and fitness consumer market, we adopted a diligent data-driven approach. The paleo, crossfit and fitness supplement markets have skyrocketed in popularity, thus creating a crowded marketplace of homogenous products. Results from our competitive market analysis led to four new sub brands of The Perfect Paleo Powder product line:

The Perfect Paleo Pre-Workout Powder, Perfect Paleo Post-Workout Powder, Perfect Paleo Fat Loss Powder and Perfect Paleo Digest & Rest Powder.

To sell The Perfect Paleo Powder, we built a custom e-commerce website with a built in user friendly rewards gamification system and an affiliate program along with a native sister app which functions as a marketing tool to allow fitness professionals to sell the products using a commission-based system.

The app enables experts across fitness and nutrition industries to recommend product doses and customize them for their clients while not having to worry about inventory or shipping costs, as orders were directly shipped to their clients’ doorsteps.

While the website acted as our online store, the app was an innovative way to create a sales force, boost sales and reward loyal customers efficiently through our promos program.

Behind The Perfect Paleo Products, we created a full blown Clovis Culture with six major pillars and distinct philosophies that resonate with consumers.

The Clovis Culture’s Perfect Paleo Powder is a significant example of the power in building a full infrastructure for a client grounded in market entry strategy through product development, digital development and sales.

Using a combined approach of social media marketing, digital advertising, affiliate advertising, influencer marketing, traditional PR and content creation, Eff Creative Group was successful in not only creating a brand, but in developing a MOVEMENT.

Thus making the
Perfect Paleo Powder actually...perfect.

“This is a very well-designed and executed campaign with multiple points of contact with its audience.”

“A very good campaign - it has good alignment with proper marketing objectives.”

“Eff effectively established the Perfect Paleo Powder brand through multiple media avenues. Content was constructive, humorous and occasionally instructive, cleverly drawing the consumer in.”